01 December 2007

Feeling better and new crib!

I am feeling better than I was, despite several visits from the speedy-poo fairy over the past few days. My spot on my ribs/skin is still really hurting- I'm going to try to get checked out next week, to rule out a gall bladder issue.
On a really happy note: our crib came today!!!!!! It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, but the FedEx guy came RIGHT before I got home. So it came today, and Randy got it all put together! No pics, yet- there's no mattress. The black looks GREAT in the room, and the crib itself is fantastic. Not too high for me, which rocks. I can't wait to get all the decor put together in there. Our dresser we ordered should be here any day.
Not much else going on- 2 MORE DAYS til track-out! And Monday is the baby shower at work, which will be fun.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yay for crib! And glad you're on the mend. We should hang out sometime during your TO.