08 December 2007

Christmas tagged

OK, I didn't really get tagged, but Erika had this on her blog and I thought it was neat! Here goes:

1. wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, but I will use gift bags for oddly shaped gifts. I keep all bags given to me and re-use the cute ones. I LOVE to wrap, and I have to have several kinds of papers that match.
2. real tree or artificial? real, but I'm not against fake just to avoid having to string the lights!
3. when do you put up the tree? round about the beginning of December. Don't have one this year- we have too much else going on!
4. when do you take the tree down? before the start of the new year, usually
5. do you like eggnog? yeah, it's ok.
6. favorite gift received as a child? I really have no idea!
7. do you have a nativity scene? no
8. hardest person to buy for? Randy
9. easiest person to buy for? Trish
10. worst present you ever received? one year my Pop got me a racetrack thing with those electronic cars that went around the track. It would have been cool if I wasn't about 11 years old, trying to be all grown up and girly for once. There's a picture of me when I opened it, and I couldn't even manage a polite smile...
11. mail or email Christmas cards? mail
12.favorite Christmas movie? Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas
13. when do you start shopping for Christmas? November-ish
14. have you ever recycled a Christmas present? probably
15. favorite thing to eat at Christmas? CANDY CANES!!!! especially spearmint ones, if I can find them!
16. clear lights or colored on the tree? clear
17. favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night, or most stuff by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Manheim Steamroller and the entire Peanuts Christmas CD
18. travel at Christmas or stay home? don't travel too far, usually
19. can you name all of Santa's reindeers? yep!
20. angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, but my Nanny always got me a new nightgown and I got to open that on Christmas Eve. Nowadays, Randy and I rarely wait until the big day- we start about a week before and open one present a day. We're horrible about waiting!
22. most annoying thing about this time of year? Crazy shoppers and when the stores/radio stations try to start Christmas way back in October. TOO EARLY!
23. what i love most about Christmas? giving gifts, decorating, time off work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great answers! You were tagged (in my head). I meant to tag everybody but forgot... it was implied. :) :)