29 March 2008

Our little love bug

Here are a couple pics we've taken recently of Gracie- this is one of my favorite outfits- love the little flare-leg jeans!! I figure she won't get to wear them much more, since the weather is getting warmer.

I would like to be able to tell you that she is smiling at ME. But no. She's smiling at the CEILING FAN! Mr. Ceiling Fan is her new best friend. She just grins and coos and talks to him. We need to get her a fan for her room. She loves it. The one in our living room is too high up for her to notice, but the one is our bedroom is just fascinating to her.

Not much going on except for me dreading work on Monday. I sorta feel like my time as a devoted mom is coming to an end. Starting Monday, I will only get to see her about 6 waking hours of the day! And she'll probably nap during some of that. It is so not fair. I really thought that I would be ready to get back to work and be tired of spending so much time alone at home, but I've truly enjoyed it. There have been difficult days, but so much of it has been fun. I've been able to keep up with more of the housework, though I'm nowhere close to perfect. And now I'm gonna not feel like dealing with it when I get home. It doesn't help that I'm not thrilled with my job at the moment. I'm trying to find something different for next school year, I'm just not sure what yet. I can't believe it has already been 11 weeks since Gracie was born! How can they grow up so fast?!


Rhea said...

Your little love bug is adorable! I love picturing her cooing at the fan. Babies are adorable.

I'm sorry you have to go back to work Monday. I know that's so hard. I have a friend who cried and cried her first day back. I'm sure it will just make you appreciate your time with her all the more. Hang in there! And, congrats on such a cutie!

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