27 October 2007

I've been tagged!

My friend Erika tagged me for these random questions--

Shelly posted these on My Space, and she is overdue for having her baby so let's all do the baby dance for her to get Gabe outta there!!

1. Are you taller than your best friend? There are very few people that I am taller than who are over the age of about 8.

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen? yep- they are made by Bic and are clicky-pens, but I can't remember what they are called...

3. Look at your planner for October 28, what are you doing? I don't have a planner except for my desk calendar at work, and because it is a weekend day, it is probably blank. I guess I'm doing nothing!!

4. What color are your toenails usually? some variety of pink- right now they are naked (NO!) because I can't really reach them to re-paint.

5. What was the last thing you highlighted? Some kind of important info on a note I sent home to a parent of a kid in my class. Not that they will read it anyway...

6. What color are the curtains in your bedroom? a very bright turquoise

7. What color are the seats in your car? gray/black

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat? yes, my P-cat (Porsche) RIP and currently Sophie

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on? I sent a card in the mail

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming? Nope

11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time? I NEVER get cash- I steal it from Randy =)

12. Who is the last baby that you held? a precious preemie that belonged to the mom of a kid in my class last year- she was SO tiny!

13. Can you spell well? yes

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste? Can't say I've ever tried it

15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago? a green Nissan Xterra

16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators? I guess the Hurricanes

17. Last time you went to Six Flags? last year, to the one in Atlanta

18. Which show currently making new episodes should be cancelled? Survivor

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow? Some fleece material

20. Last person you gave a business card? I don't have business cards

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to? Rex Hospital for birthing classes

22. Closest framed picture to you? one of Noah when he was little

23. Last time you had someone cook for you? Does restaurant staff count? If so, last night.

24. Have you ever applied for welfare? no

25. How many emails do you get in your inbox daily (excluding spam)? home- 10 or so, at work, 12-15

26. Last time you received flowers? for my anniversary from Randy

27. What is the weather like? coolish, clear

28. Do you play air guitar? Not really

29. Has anyone ever proposed to you? yes, 2 people

30. Do you take anything in your coffee? Splenda and creamer

31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines? believe it or not, no

32. What is/was your high school's mascot? Hornet

33. Last person you spoke to from high school? Erika via email

34. How often do you use hand sanitizer? rarely

35. Would you like to learn to play the drums? nah, there's other things I'd rather learn first

36. What color are the blinds in your living room? white

37. Is you furniture cloth or leather? cloth- denim, actually

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper? some advice column from the Life section

39. What was the last pageant you attended? never been, never will

40. What is the last place you bought pizza from? I JUST placed an order from Papa John's

41. Have you ever worn a crown?sure, from the Burger King!!

42. What is the last thing you stapled? homework packets at work

43. Did you ever drink clear Pepsi? I LOVED Pepsi Clear!!

44. Are you ticklish? in some places

45. Last time you saw fireworks? 4th of July this year

46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? I don't remember

47. Who is the last person that left you a message & you actually returned? probably Sherry or Katie

48. Has your mailbox ever been full? my email box? at work, yes. My real mailbox, no.

49. Do you have a black dog? As a matter of fact I DO!

50. Can you give one reason why David Caruso is allowed to keep acting? I don't know who that is.

51. Are you an aunt or uncle? not yet

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of? human- Randy, pet- Jonah

53. Last time you saw a semi truck? on Mythbusters today.

54. Do you think people lie on these surveys? probably not the people that I know

55. What is something you know you need to do, but you keep making excuses? decide on
nursery furniture and ORDER it, and get busy painting the bottom walls of the nursery, and make an official decision on our daughter's NAME

That was a fun bit of copying, pasting and reformatting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember P-cat!!!! Awwww.....