The past few days I have been doing better on the coaster of queasiness! I've still had a few moments, but I think I've been able to eat more, which I needed to do. However, I have a little boy in my new class who BATHES in Polo cologne each morning. Or at least the past 2 mornings- he was ok today. So whenever he would walk by me, I would immediately turn a sad shade of green- he's lucky he didn't get puked on! Maybe it was just a "first days of school" thing. 'Cause if it continues, I'm gonna have to say something to him. I just can't handle that.
I also seem to have a belly that has popped out overnight! I need to get Randy to take a picture to start a belly archive. Maybe since I'm eating better I'll gain some weight back that I lost.
I'm still really tired, though today was better. I went to bed Monday evening at 8:00, when the sun was still up! I have 5 more days of class (woohooooo!) so if I can just make it through that, I should be good to go.
On a career note, I have an interesting little class this year. Last year's kids were SOOOOO good and well-behaved, so we knew we'd end up with a more challenging group than they were, and that has proven true. We have several little mischeif makers, but we've been riding them hard and laying down the law- lettin' 'em know we ain't playin'. It's always so hard to imagine bonding with a new class of kids at the beginning, but I know I will eventually. The rest of the school is incredible- our numbers are low with track 4 out, and the school is orderly and quiet and the cafeteria is relaxing and calm. I didn't think it possible, but we've really worked as a team to set down the rules and procedures and it seems to be working! Makes me really like my job again.
I am going to relax for a bit then do some studying. Sounds like a plan.