28 July 2007

A gratuitous belly shot

Or lack thereof. This is me at 13 weeks:

Out of the first trimester- YAY!

I am now almost out of trimester 1, and I could not be happier about it. I have been feeling much better this past week, and have been able to eat more and actually gain a tiny bit of weight instead of losing it. I'm also starting to show (at least to other people and not just me!) and I've had a couple people touch my barely-there belly. It didn't bother me the way I thought it would, either. Granted, they were people I knew, but anyway...
I've got to get my house cleaned up this weekend. I am DONE WITH CLASSES, hopefully forever, so I should have so actual free time now. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
I also finished HP, in a record 8 hours. All I will say is that it turned out the way it should have. I am sad that there will be no more, but at least there are 2 more films to see.
I think I have come close to deciding on a decor for the nursery. I had said that I was going to do dragonflies, and despite the selection you can find on the internet, there just haven't been any that I've really loved. So I saw this at BabiesRUs, and I really like it! It is simple, which is what I want, and doesn't have any silly, busy patterns and isn't too cartoony or anything. It looks really good on a black crib, too, which I wouldn't have thought I'd like, but may be a possibility. My problem is going to be finding a crib that I can easily reach into, since I'm so freakin' short. I'd rather not have one that has a side that lowers, because they seem to be a pain to lower, but I may have to. Here's the link to the little bee bedding that I like- the mobile is absolutely adorable!!! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2266594&cp=2255986.2256244.2256251.2256261&view=all&parentPage=family

21 July 2007

It's Harry Potter Day!

Yay! I leave in a few minutes for Target to get my book. Then I will spend the rest of the day reading- so that I can get schoolwork done tomorrow. I am excited and sad at the same time. No more HP after this... =(
I am feeling much better. This was a very short-lived cold, which I am quite thankful for.
We went to Babies R Us last night just to look around. They have SOOOOOO much freakin' baby stuff! It is overwhelming. I'll never be able to decide what I want. I feel like there's so much research you have to do on safety of stuff and whatnot. Can't I just pick the stuff that looks good?
So, I gotta go get a Hogwarts fix. Yay!

16 July 2007

As I crest over the top of Millenium Force...

310 feet above the ground, prepared to drop and "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Back down the roller coaster hill. Unfortunately, in my world of the roller coaster metaphor to pregnancy, the ride is not so enjoyable as it is in real life. (Boy do I miss being able to ride coasters.)
I have a head cold. Like, snot out the wazoo, sinus headache, lightheaded, can't breathe misery. I didn't think I would make it through work today. As the day went on I felt a bit better, but I crashed in the bed when I got home. I can't really take anything good for it, either. I need to do some work, especially since the last HP book comes out this weekend, and I know I'll be reading until I finish it once I get it. I just can't get motivated.
On a HP note, I have seen the new movie twice already. Randy took me to see it opening day, then we went with Grant and Sherry this weekend. It was good. Umbridge is incredible, and the Luna Lovegood character was great, too. I don't like that they had to cut so much out- I would rather had to sit through 3-4 hours if I had to, just to get more in. Anyway, go see it. That's a direct order.
My 2 year anniversary is Wednesday! I totally forgot it was coming up until this past weekend- Randy has made surprise dinner reservations for us! Looking forward to that! I sure hope I feel better...

11 July 2007

Feeling a bit better!

The past few days I have been doing better on the coaster of queasiness! I've still had a few moments, but I think I've been able to eat more, which I needed to do. However, I have a little boy in my new class who BATHES in Polo cologne each morning. Or at least the past 2 mornings- he was ok today. So whenever he would walk by me, I would immediately turn a sad shade of green- he's lucky he didn't get puked on! Maybe it was just a "first days of school" thing. 'Cause if it continues, I'm gonna have to say something to him. I just can't handle that.
I also seem to have a belly that has popped out overnight! I need to get Randy to take a picture to start a belly archive. Maybe since I'm eating better I'll gain some weight back that I lost.
I'm still really tired, though today was better. I went to bed Monday evening at 8:00, when the sun was still up! I have 5 more days of class (woohooooo!) so if I can just make it through that, I should be good to go.
On a career note, I have an interesting little class this year. Last year's kids were SOOOOO good and well-behaved, so we knew we'd end up with a more challenging group than they were, and that has proven true. We have several little mischeif makers, but we've been riding them hard and laying down the law- lettin' 'em know we ain't playin'. It's always so hard to imagine bonding with a new class of kids at the beginning, but I know I will eventually. The rest of the school is incredible- our numbers are low with track 4 out, and the school is orderly and quiet and the cafeteria is relaxing and calm. I didn't think it possible, but we've really worked as a team to set down the rules and procedures and it seems to be working! Makes me really like my job again.
I am going to relax for a bit then do some studying. Sounds like a plan.

06 July 2007

Consistency would be nice...

I am a bit tired of this roller coaster of queasiness. I would be ok if I could predict when I would feel icky. But I can't. I have no idea. For a while, it was mid-morning, when I got hungry, or when I ate too much. Some mornings, though, I feel fine. Sometimes when I eat, I feel fine. Usually when I get hungry, I do feel yicky. Today, I was doing ok (except for waking up with a headache), then I ate some pizza for lunch (not too much), and now I just wish the tile guy would finish working on my bathroom so that if I start feeling worse I can go lay on the floor in there. (why does it always feel good to lay on the bathroom floor when you are nauseous??!) I won't fit to lay on the powder room floor. When will this madness be over, I ask you?
I also seem to be in this stage where I don't really look pregnant, so sometimes its hard for me to remember that I am. And I still have this nagging feeling that something could still go wrong, so I guess I'm trying not to presume too much. Most people I work with know by now, so I get a lot of attention and congratulations from them, but it still doesn't seem real. I guess it will soon enough, right?
(and, by the way, I really wish the tile guy would hurry and finish. I don't like having weird workers in my house. I would hate to go hormonal on him and kick his ass out. =) )

02 July 2007

First Trimester Woes

I've had a hard time updating this blog, and I'm hoping that once my classes are over (end of this month) things will calm down and I'll do a better job. Our ultrasound appointment was really cool! We could see the little heartbeat and our little blob with the big 'ol head. She said everything looks great and I go back on Aug. 8th for my next appointment. Hopefully a month after that we'll know the sex! That I am really looking forward to.
I'm about ready to be out of the first trimester. I feel queasy half the time, and I want to eat stuff that I can't. I can only eat small amounts at a time, and I haven't had that much of an appetite. Hence, I have lost about 4 pounds since I got pregnant. So, I'm not showing at all, even though I really want to be. But yet my pants are tight because my belly is rounding out, so I can't wear a lot of my old pants. I also have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and that is getting old fast. People tell me that the second trimester is great, and that I'll feel good and be all happy and glowing. I certainly hope that is true. Right now I just want some normalcy, and it can't be good that school starts next week and I'm in classes and just have so much going on. I just keep thinking that as long as I can make it through the next 4 weeks or so I should be home free for a while.
I'm looking forward to the new school year- this year-round bit will take some getting used to, and I have to leave early on Tuesday and Thursday for the first 3 weeks, which I know will put a strain on my coworkers. This whole Sara going back to school thing has proven to be a big pain in my ass. It's almost over, though. Right??