I haven't done a monthly update in a while, and G turns 16 (SIXTEEN!!!) months tomorrow, so here goes:
16 months, about 25 lbs, almost 32 inches
*We're working on using a spoon. I got a set of bendy spoons by Boon that seem to work pretty well. She gets that she needs to touch the spoon to the food then put it in her mouth, but there are 3 problems: 1-she barely touches the spoon to the food so not much gets on it (I have to help), 2-she turns the spoon upside down in her mouth, and typically BEFORE it reaches her mouth, so the stuff falls off, 3-hands work as well as a spoon, so why eat Spaghettios with a spoon? What a mess. At least today I remembered to change my shirt before our dinner attempt.
*Gracie is SUCH a daredevil! She loves to climb onto the seat of her little Pooh-mobile and stand up, withOUT holding on! She'll even pull it over to the pack and play, stand on the seat, then stand on the little steering wheel to try to reach in to get her toys. Now, we don't encourage this, but we try to stand nearby and let her have some climbing time.
*She can kick a ball quite well.
*She has a balloon obsession.
*Still sleeping and eating like a champ. She'll try any food at least once- she was eating green olives today.
*She is more interested in books now. She likes to be read to and will come sit on my lap for a story sometimes.
*She is much more lovey. She gives hugs (see the aforementioned video), kisses (without touching, just makes a smacking noise) and will almost blow kisses.
*She loves to dance. We were breaking it down in the car today at a stoplight and the driver of a schoolbus next to us was cracking up at her (and probably me).
*Words she can say: dog, wow, bye, hey, aw cool, juice, dada, mama (FINALLY!!), car, beach, keys, Trish, papa, fish, Noah, Jojo (Jonah), hi dada (she never says hi to me!), dance, balloon, bubble, bathroom (sometimes), shoe, uh-oh.
*Many of these words can only be understood by us.
*She still loves the kitties, and both Noah AND Jonah are really patient with her. Poor Jojo got Spaghettios dumped on his head today.
*She has 12 teeth. And a fierce bite! Keep fingers out of her mouth!
*She points to things and says "dis" which I think is asking "What's this?". I could be wrong about that.
I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting. Hmmmm.
Not much else going on. I'll try to get some pics to post soon.
1 comment:
What a vocabulary she's got! That's awesome.
I seriously can't imagine Ella doing all those kinds of things...and it's only 6 months away!
That video is precious :)
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