27 June 2007
18 June 2007

Ok, so you can't see it well in that picture, but trust me. I'm PREGNANT!! YAY! I am very excited. As of right now, I am going on 8 weeks, and am due at the end of January. That could change slightly after my first ultrasound next Wednesday. It did not take long- in fact, Randy and I were both shocked at how quickly it happened. I think he's still in shock. =)
Things are going good, so far. I've had off and on nausea- mainly if I get hungry or if I eat too much. I'm starting to feel really tired, too. Like I can't get enough sleep. And the running to pee needs to stop. Other than that, no problems. We are getting settled into the new house, and everyone is adjusting just fine.
So far everyone I've told has been really supportive of the kiddo to come- my mom, of course, is tickled pink, and Randy's sister takes the cake for the best reaction to the news: she kept yelling "You're gonna have a baby???!!!!!!" His folks are happy, too. And all our friends have been great.
I'll try to update when I can with news of what all is going on in our life.
Cheers to all!!!